Hands on Training

Cudley’s Training Program

What is Home Care?

Home care involves providing health and personal care to home bound individuals. Cudley’s Training Program aim is to meet the sweatshoppe.org xenical demand for PCA’s and HHA’s … dedicated to meeting the challenge for caring for New York’s elderly and home bound people

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We invite all who possess compassion, caring, and dedication to become a part of our team, whether you’re seeking to become a PCA (Personal Care Aide) or HHA (Home Health , Aide), you’ve chosen one of the fastest-growing occupations in the health care industry today.

Training Program Information

  • PCA or HHA training are available days, evenings or Saturday.
  • English and bilingual Spanish courses offered.
  • We upgrade PCAs to HHAs in one week.
  • Tuition for classes at reasonable rates.
  • Receive your certificate immediately upon completion of class.


Cudley’s train ancillary staff in home care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living,
and hospitals; which are a great support to the medical team.
Due to the nursing shortage nationwide, ancillary staff
can make the difference in supporting the goals of all
healthcare environments. Participants will be trained to
take care of the sick, elderly, disabled, children with
disabilities and mentally ill. Training covers areas such as:

  • Difficult Behavior
  • Living with Heart Failure
  • Elder Abuse & Neglect
  • Fire Safety At Home
  • Life After A Stroke
  • Diabetic Care
  • Alzheimer’s Care & Information
  • Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
  • Personal Safety During Home Care Visits
  • Family Safety
  • Patient Safety in the Home
  • Oxygen Therapy at Home
  • Universal Precautions in Health Care Settings
  • Caregiving
  • Developing Cultural Competencies
  • Palliative Care (comfort and caring at the end of life)
  • Caring for a person with Dementia
  • Care for patients with HIV/AIDS
  • Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
  • Helping a patient sit, transfer from a bed to a chair
  • Assisting with Range of Motion Excercises
  • Proper footwear
  • Protecting your patients from falls